Elements of C language
C is an efficient and portable general purpose programming language. It was developed in the year 1972 at Bell Telephone Laboratories (AT&T) by Dennis Ritchie. The name C was taken from the second letter of the earlier version BCPL Basic Combined Programming Language developed by Ken Thompson of Bell Laboratories.
Until 1978 C was restricted within Bell laboratories. But after publication of definite description of the language by Brain Kernighan and Ritchie the language began to promote.
Features of C-language
(i) It is a flexible high level structured programming language.
(ii) It includes the features of low level language like assembly language.
(iii) It is portable. A program written for one type of computer can be used in any
other type.
(iv) It is much faster and efficient.
(v) It has an ability to extend itself.
(vi) It has a number of built-in functions, which makes the programming task